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Roads Committee

The Roads Committee members are:

  • Lori Silva (Board member representative)
  • Stan Carrizosa (Board member alternate)
  • Steve Danto
  • Rick Silva
  • Nick Palanza
  • Dominique Taylor

You my contact them at roads@cedarhighlandshoa.org with any questions or concerns. 

Road Updates/News

Click Here for information related to the Greens Lake Road Right of Way Grant Assignment.

Road Safety

This is left on here to remind everyone to keep an eye on the equipment that might be left at the bottom of the hill.

We are always monitoring the weather and road conditions closely.

As a reminder, 6 inches of snow is when we make the decision to call for a plow.   It if is late in the day when  the snow measures 6 inches, we will  plow the next morning if possible.

PLEASE…… Observe all winter driving safety precautions. You know what they are, slow, be prepared, help others if needed. We are a community, not just individuals.

Winter Driving

Download the OSHA Safe Driving tips here.

There are also lots of other tips:

Keep a shovel in your vehicle:  In summer for fires, in winter for digging out yourself or a neighbor.

Good traction tires are necessary up here all year round:  It is strongly recommended (just short of required) that residents have 4×4’s.  A good deal of the road damage is from 2 wheel drive vehicles skipping and spinning their tires.

Road Courtesy:  Remember, the vehicle coming up hill has the right of way. Especially on the steep grade, stop and see if someone is coming up first. Wait at the top for the road to be clear before descending.  On narrow stretches of road, try not to crowd the other vehicle. Wait for them to pass.

Basic Speed law is in effect:  In addition to absolute speed limits, Utah’s “basic speed law” provides that a person may not operate a vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions, giving regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing.  So, 5 mph might be too fast.  If you find yourself in the ditch, you were probably going too fast for the conditions.

Driveway snow removal

For those members who want their driveways plowed, our new excavation vendor, Tractor Works Inc., has stated they are willing to perform this service. 
If you are interested,  please contact Joe Portelese. His company is Tractor Works Inc.
The email is: tractorworksutah@gmail.com
.  He prefers that you email him with work to be done as soon as possible so he can fit you in his schedule.
Here is detailed information from Tractor Works regarding snow removal procedures:

The HOA Board asks members to refrain from contacting Tractor Works Inc. with any complaints or issues about snow removal on the roads.  Please direct  any concerns or comments to: roads@cedarhighlandshoa.org   A member of the Roads Committee  will then address concerns directly with the contractor.